What are you 'TRULY' Looking for in Loudspeaker...

and system? Have you really studied the options and do you really understand what they can possibly give you in return? I am being very, very honest. I am not at all looking for pedantic, argumentive jabber. Looking past slight compromises you are willing to give up in this journey, what do you really want in a loudspeaker??? Complicated if you are a novice. I would like to hear from some experienced audiophiles. Thank you, Dale.

Showing 1 response by kiddman

Put on a good Blue Note.

Then an RCA Living Stereo symphonic, a good Reiner performance.

Then a Classic Records release of Brubeck Time Out.

Next a good female vocal....Ella Fitzgerald would be good.

A good male vocal.

The speaker that makes them all sound the closest to live music is what I am looking for.

All the other audiophile descriptions are crap. The most convincing on the above variety is the best.

If you don't know what they all sound like live get out there more.