What are you streaming tonight?

As we are in the modern age of music I thought I would see how this fares.
We have threads specific for cdp and tt so why not streaming as it is a modern media.
I don't care if you stream Tidal, Deezer, Spotify, Paradise Radio or any number of internet stations.
I would like you to share your tastes and method of streaming.

Showing 50 responses by uberwaltz

Listening to vinyl right now but tonight?
Well going to see how well today's little diy project works.
Set up a pair of outdoor active Bluetooth speakers round back in my pool/hot tub area.
Just going to steam from my phone to these for now which gives me Tidal, Pandora, Spotify and Radio Paradise.

Should be a good night soaking in the tub and listening to some tunes!
And of course my grand master plan for tonight ruined by uncooperative weather.

So the main rig it is.

CSN .... Crosby, Stills & Nash

Tidal MQA
Nice to see you here Annie!

This afternoon.

Absolute Garbage ... Garbage.

Shirley Manson can definitely sing!

Love this band, I mean Scottish-American and formed in Madison Wisconsin!
Unfortunately the scene of yet another senseless shooting today. So sad.
But fortunately no fatalities this time.


Yes live at Carnegie hall, an acoustic evening. Date of 2017.

And you are right I cannot say as I have heard one of his albums yet that suffers from poor sq!
Great choice Ghosthouse..

Undecided if my fave Joe B album is Driving towards the Daylight or Live at Carnegie Hall.

Have both on vinyl and the sq is stunning.
Well with all the Joe B talk just had to zip one up dident I!

Black Rock ... Joe Bonammassa

Piano & A Microphone 1983 ... Prince 

Tidal MQA.

Not a huge Prince fan but this is nicely recorded.
Again as very impressed with this album all round.

Egypt Station .. Sir Paul McCartney

Tidal MQA
On the road again this week.

Travelling to sunny Texas.

So be only streaming for me this week via phone and laptop.
Tidal, Pandora about it
Just got to my hotel, fire the laptop up and just let Pandora play on Hard Rock Radio
Think it is time to shelve this thread as very little interest besides myself posting and that gets old...lol.
Completely understand there are way too many music threads already and a lot of very good long and well established ones.
This was a stab at just covering a different growing area but with the general dearth of activity here anyway and the profusion of established threads it is just too much.
Been a  great ride and I do thank all those who did take the time and trouble to post here.
Signing off with Tidal alt/indie radio for the morning before work.

And this is what Florida is for.
After my bicycle ride pretty hot and bothered.
So set up my Bluetooth speaker by the pool and streaming Qobuz via my phone to it.
Not HiFi but good enough for poolside music.

Hear My Soul ... Jeff Healey.
Thanks Ghosthouse

Bit of a bad week anyway slogging it out in Texas factories in horrible conditions , heat and humidity but enough on my world

Maybe a serious cutback then....lol

Simple Dreams ( 40th Anniversary edition) ... Linda Ronstadt
I figured most sensible folks had better things to do than post on this ol thread...lol
But thank you

Welcome to the wacky world of streaming!

Enjoy the Tidal and great choices there!