What are we objectivists missing?

I have been following (with much amusement) various threads about cables and tweaks where some claim "game changing improvements" and other claim "no difference".  My take is that if you can hear a difference, there must be some difference.  If a device or cable or whatever measures exactly the same it should sound exactly the same.  So what are your opinions on what those differences might be and what are we NOT measuring that would define those differences?


Showing 5 responses by jtucker


"The most reliable method is to listen."

Exactly what the least reliable method is per this topic.  Listening is purely subjective and brings the entire room, speakers, etc. into the picture.  I am looking for possible measurable differences

This wasn't meant to be a troll post.  I am completely serious.


Very familiar with Nelson Pass and his take on this (I have a Pass Labs amplifier  in my system and have read a bunch of his stuff).  Even though he uses extensive listening tests, he can still measure the relative amounts of harmonics relative to different designs.  So this is an example where you have a distinct difference in the perceived character of the sound but at the same time there is also a corresponding difference in the measurements.

So measurements alone may not predict which you may prefer, but there still exist a measured difference.  I'm just curious as to what you all think we might not be measuring that would account for perceived massive differences in components which on the surface appear to measure identically.



"The problem I have with this argument is that it believes our existing, common measurements are all that could tell us anything about sound. I do not believe this to be true, at all. Most of the measurements audiophiles are familiar with were developed 30 years ago or more. Yes, we can measure them with more precision, but their definitions haven’t changed."

Yes! This is my point exactly.  I do not necessarily believe that the "common measurements"  are all encompassing.  What do you all suppose we may be missing that could explain differences?  That is my question...


Not protesting  or judging at all, just wondering if anyone has any speculation as to what measurements are missing.

Now talk about snarky:

I just completed the work on a device that measures sound quality. I call it the SQascope. Send me your money, lots of it, and I’ll send one with directions to you in a plain brown wrapper and you can measure all your cables and the cables of your friends and neighbors. It’s exactly what you, as an objectivist, is missing.


Well, this did not go in the direction I had intended, but I suppose I should not be surprised.  I guess the take away for me is "We don't know what we don't know".

Thanks anyway.