VPI Scoutmaster - Rubber Washer

On the VPI website, there is an FAQ:

Q: "My VPI record clamp came with a rubber washer. What am I supposed to do with it?"

A: The rubber washer is meant to be permanently placed over the turntable's spindle below the record. This prevents "dishing" of the LP when it is clamped to the platter using the threaded VPI clamp.

My question is: Do you still use the washer if you also have the periphery ring clamp? "Dishing" wouldn't be a potential problem anymore.

In fact, it looks to me like the record "dishes" DOWNWARD with both the rubber washer and outer ring clamp in use. I think I should remove the washer. Anyone out there have any opinions, stories, ideas, etc.?



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If you are using the screw down clamp (as well as the periphery ring) then you still should use thye washer. The dishing is caused only at the center of the record being pushed downward. I hope this makes sense.