VPI rimdrive squeaks

Has anyone else got or had a problem with a VPI rimdrive making a regular chirruping or squeak (in time with the rim drive rotation, not the platter).
Rimdrive is on my SuperScoutmasterReference, converted from belt drive.
I've tried ensuring the contact is as light as possible but no joy.
Silence if rimdrive isn't in contact with the platter, twice per revolution squeak from (I think) contact point when rimdrive engaged.
At 45rpm squeak is audible from 3 or 4 feet away. Less at 33rpm but still there.
HELP ! This is driving me mad.

Showing 1 response by buconero117

I auditioned the rimdrive at a dealer, who I think knew how to set it up since he has been doing VIP for twenty years. But, I did hear your squeak a few times during the audition along with some other problems, mainly vibration on the plith. I mentioned all that to the dealer and he seemed to suggest it was the characteristic of design. I passed, as it spelled too much fuzz.
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