Vandersteen 5A or WATT?Puppy 7

Cant make up my mind between Vandersteen 5A and Puppy 7? Ideas please please help. Also what do you think pof Krel Amps? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by daffyfac1

Nmurro, I would not take much stock in what stereophile says or does not say. Many of the rags these days are more concerned about ad dollars than anything else and they do not want to have bad relationships with their main advertisers.

Consider the last paragraph of the sterophile review of the Watt/Puppy where they state the frequency response of the speaker is not flat. If you believe that audiophile speakers are supposed output the signal that was direclty fed to it by the amplifier, then you cannot consider this an audiophile speaker.

In short, if you want to buy something that is truer to the source buy the Vandersteens. If you want to buy a prestige speaker, or you just love that Wilson sound and you can't get it cheaper, buy the Wilsons. Neither will kill you.