VAC Signature MK2a pre "phono tube questions"

Hi there I have a VAC pre with MC/MM, upon opening noticed there are two roles of 3 12AX7 tubes in each totaling 6.


1. Anyone have any experience tube rolling these and if so with what?

2. Are they three matched pairs or all matched?

3. They are a Chinese tube that came standard with the pre., anything special about them?
I have found on other gear which came with Chinese 12AX7 tubes they were nothing special and by substituting I found the sound was transformed, sounding allot better using other tubes.

4. Can you mix and match, say the first role Bugle Boys, second Tel for examaple or best to stay with one brand through out.

I have allot of really nice matched pairs but only that.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by kurt_tank

Hey Jafox,

I believe Dev asked his question because of this thread that was started just a few days ago.

VAC Thread from 9-5-11

Most of the respondents all seem to have stated that using NOS tubes were no better than the stock tubes that come with the VAC equipment.

(Interesting responses that went against my instincts as well. I find that using NOS tubes in my Lamm hybrid amps yields small, yet significant, improvements in the sound quality. However, I don't own VAC equipment, (although I wish I did!), so I don't know for sure that using NOS is the way to go.)

My two cents worth.