Will a "standby" UPS with AVR (auto. voltage regulator) and EMI/RFI line filtering serves similar purposes to an audio system as the LPS (linear power supply).  What are the pros and cons using UPS vs LPS?  One of the particular reasons I prefer UPS is to prevent the sudden interruption of power due to frequent storm we have in Florida to possibly damage the system while playing.  Could you recommend affordable UPS that you had experience with?  Thank you.


Very different animals. A linear power supply usually converts AC to a specific DC voltage for a device. It provides clean, ripple free power. An uninterruptible power supply uses an inverter to generate AC power from a battery in case of an outage. This is usually a noisy switching power supply and is likely a big step down in quality. Not recommended. There may be higher quality UPS out there, but I’ve never heard of one. Same issue can be had running solar or other off grid power solutions that use an inverter.

UPS only runs on the inverted AC during the power loss condition.  Otherwise, it runs on the normal AC power.  I will not continue with playing once the power is interrupted by storm.  It just provides a window of time to turn the system off.  I guess my question (sorry I may not make myself clear) is that, with AVR and noise filtering, could UPS provide clean enough power to the audio system?  Does the low-ripple voltage (thru AVR) not yield low-ripple current and cleaner power?  

I mentioned this in other posts. I run some equipment off lithium ion power supply, the inverter is indeed noise and affects sq. The LPS can be run off the UPS, which I do, the sound quality still impacted by inverter.


I assume audiophile UPS may be on way, someone will attend to inverter quality.