Two subs, yes or no?

I notice the use of twin subs often, why is that? Are two subs more of a balance thing? Or better sounding overall?

Showing 4 responses by gelmhirst

Hey thanks, and to clarify, the mcd201 can run balanced to my amp (my preference), and rcas to sub(s) simultaneously...
HMM, mono you say..

Let me throw this at you. I have learned I can use my second set of outputs/rcas from the variable side of the mcd201 direct to a sub. If two subs are run in mono does that mean 1 rca (+), to sub 1, and the other 1 rca (-), to the second sub? Does that equate to a mono hook up?

Or do you suggest sticking to the binding posts of the amp for connection, in mono.....
Hey thanks guys, this is very very helpful.

I was at my favorite dealer Ovation Audio this weekend and Mike and Rickey spoke of running 2 x mono to integrate with my xls360's..
Two things as I was not clear. When I make reference to using both rcs and balaced output at the same time, in fact it is rca and balanced out of the variable output.

The other thing is Swampwalker suggests the position as asymmetrically (one inside left main, one outside right main, for example), which is weird because this very suggestion solves my left corner where there is a door to my balcony! Problem solved.