Tracking Force Gauges

I have only coarsely adjusted VTF on my cartridge using a Shure gauge and taking into account the ~ 0.3g overshoot some have reported.

I would like to embark on a careful study of the sensitivity of the sound attributes to small deviations within the recommended mfg's range. I'm curious to know what high VTF sounds like compared to low VTF and to find an optimum setting.

To do this I'm interested in your recommendations on digital VTF gauges with 0.01g accuracy.

I've heard about the MyWeigh scale and others. It seems like the my weigh scale is a traditional looking digital scale in that the measuring platform is very wide with the load cell likley centered beneath the platform. I'm not sure that one gets repeatable and accurate results if the cartridge were to be placed near the edge of the platform if the arm can't be moved in such a way.

Any thoughts on accurate VTF measurements?


Showing 1 response by hifiharv

Remember that the most important thing about any guage is whether or not it measures the tracking weight at the same arm height as when the stylus is in the groove. The Shure doesn't, and some of the digital ones don't either. The importance of this varies depending on the arm design but it can be a huge difference. The Well Tempered arms, as an extreme example, get much lighter when raised even a tiny bit. You can't just put the guage on the platter, you must place it on something else that is the same height as the stylus in the groove. The fact that guage makers don't address this is inexcusible.