Top turntables?

Which turntables bring out the most from our vinyls.
The presence ambiance, that "you are there" feeling.
I am looking to upgrade from an old tnt.

Showing 1 response by dougdeacon

FWIW, I've had a friend's 103R on my TriPlanar/Teres and the thing had a presence, tonal honesty and the ability to make you believe and boogie all out of proportion to its price point. (Or perhaps it's the other cartridges which don't do this that are out of proportion.)

Would I give up my UNIverse or an Olympos, XV-1S or Orpheus for a Denon? Well, no. But since I could buy ten or twenty 103R's for the price of one of those and be set for multiple lifetimes, I understand the decision of those who have.

Sadly, I don't expect to be playing music on vinyl for multiple lifetimes, so I indulge a bit during this one...