Tidal, Deezer

Could someone with experience with music subscription services please advise. My confusion is that these music services advertise that you can download music for offline listening. Wouldn't that be putting music files in your storage...creating a music library? I have had itunes and rhapsody, both of which you can download music files into your computer. Surely there must be others you can do the same? Thanks for any advice

Showing 1 response by 2psyop

Can anyone tell me what the fascination is with "downloading files"?
I guess owning music? Is better than streaming music? I find that by exploring hundreds of artists on the fly and listening is very enjoyable.
I don't see any benefit to building my own library of music, when I have a much bigger, growing library of music at my fingertips ready to be streamed??? Especially with the quality of many Tidal MQA albums...