The Physics of Electricity

Can anyone explain clearly in either common parlance or technical terms the difference between a $1,000.00 cable and/or speaker wire versus a $20.00 (or so) one? What does wire "do" in an expensive cable/wire that an inexpensive cable/wire does not? Does it conduct more or "better" electricity?
@geoffkait - you omitted cable geometry

Hi-end cables from companies like Cardas, Kimber and Nordost all utilize more complex cable geometries to improve sound quality.

Regards - Steve
Good catch. I didn’t necessarily mean my list was all inclusive. Shielding geometries, active cables, damping, magic boxes, all sorts of special innovations by various manufacturers pop up. My list is a good place to start. 🤗 Actually, the case could be made for LACK of complex geometry being a valued characteristic, e.g., Anti Cables.

 It will produce a different kind of sound depending on the capacitance and impedance variations, whether for better or for worse. They may have received a better sound if they paid a lot for their cable. The cable they prefer likely sounds better too if they prefer the way it looks. Those are just my thoughts on the matter. You should start off with a basic cable provider to see if it's within your budget. Once you have adjusted your system appropriately, you can experiment with different cables.