The cunning trick utilized within the speaker industry

In this post, you will learn about a cunning trick used within the speaker industry right under our noses.

New speakers come out every single year. Think about that. How can progress happen so frequently and so constantly? Is it not more likely that we are being duped into thinking that advances have been made just so they can sell us the next "new" speaker?

If we look back at the speaker measurements in the reviews by Mr Atkinson, over the past 20 years, do we see a steady upward progression in frequency response flatness? Has there been a progression in any aspect of the measurements over that period?
No there has not. 

Wake up and smell the coffee folks. It's like the way the branding of food and drink changes over the years although the product remains the same. Except when it comes to speakers, we expect improvements, not the same thing. And yet there is no evidence to show that the sound quality IS getting better. 

Do not be duped!

Showing 1 response by tlehma

Wow! Once more we see that Kenjit is headed toward the "Most popular  thread of the week" based only on his silly insistence that there is some sort of "conspiracy" on the part of the speaker industry to actually stay in business (GASP!).

My personal feeling is that speakers today are better designed and sound better overall than the the speakers of yesteryear. But that is, of course, only my personal opinion (and we all know how personal opinions work) and based on more than 54 years of buying and listening, and buying and listening, and buying and listening, and on and on.... 

Of course there have always been standouts among the speaker industry throughout the years. Those standout companies that are still in business continue to offer new models because of changing materials, continued access to necessary parts, changes in design models and methodologies and the necessity to sell to the market and those new to that market. And, while those design changes and improvements are sometimes only in tiny increments, especially among those companies that produce good sounding and high quality speaker to begin with.... those improvements to sound and quality still exist despite what you say Kenjit...

To address the nonsense that they only make these changes or claims to sell more speakers.... well that is just necessary to marketing! Instead of throwing your "conspiracy theories" out there right and left go listen to the speakers and "vote with your dollars".

Continued profits are the reason for, and necessity of, staying in business.  I am never one to begrudge a company a continued profit... Just how would they stay in business otherwise and continue to offer product to their customers.
Aside from continued changes and advancements these changes are sometimes prompted by a "changing of the guard" if you will. As speaker designers retire or pass the company either goes under or continues on using the guiding philosophies of their founders... either building upon it or wreaking it. 

Kenjit's rants will never be satisfied, can never be answered to his satisfaction, and will never be resolved only because his only goal is to incite, be divisive, and to gain the next "Most Popular Thread of the Week"!

Rant on Kenjit!! I once claimed I would "opt out" of your nonsense! But, "Just when I think I'm out... They pull me back in... Pull me back in!" :-)