The Best Audio Dealer

My vote for the best dealer award goes to Mario,owner of TOYS FROM THE ATTIC [email protected] This guy helped me break into analog.I made alot of mistakes because "Dave,you don't listen" Any way Mario was always to the rescue.He,over the phone has helped me build an awesome sounding stereo.He has always given me the Best price and I know he hasnt made much money from me.He calls me on occasion to see "whats up" I have never met the man or been to his shop because its over 300 miles away

Just want to say I am really glad there are still stores around and good people. My city really doesn't have anything other than the box stores. We used to have some boutique stores which were great. Additionally, I got started in this whole thing due to a guy who had a furniture store and sold audio on the side because he loved it. He loved to show me stuff and gave me great deals and passed along his love of audio to me. 

Colin King at Gestalt Audio in Nashville.  Great equipment, great knowledge, great demo policy, great guy and fair pricing.