Teres, redpoint or galibier turntable

I would like to upgrade my basis 2000 turntable.I am considering either upgrading to the basis 2200 table or trying one of the above three tables. I would also consider the new VPI aries three table. Which of the above would you recommend. I would like to keep the cost of the table only to 5000 dollars or less. Thanks for responding

Showing 1 response by t_bone

As Thom says, stainless steel is way up over the past few years and aluminum is following suit - aluminum ingots are up 50% since 2004 and stainless steel is up more than 100%. Kind of surprised by the PVC price jump but small lot buyers can get squeezed by any number of things (example: shipping costs are well over double what they were a couple of years ago).

Thom, non illigitamus carborundum.