Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers

We have had many discussions/arguments over tekton speakers in the past, mainly involving a couple posters who thought their $4000 tektons sounded better than the highest price Wilson’s and other high budget speakers.

In the latest Stereophile magazine, they did a review of the $30,000 tekton’s. In this Steteophile issue, they rate these $30,000 tekton’s as class B. When you look at the other speakers that are in the class B section, you will notice most of these speakers range in price from $5000-$8000. So it looks like you have to spend $30,000 on a pair of tekton’s to equal a pair of $5000 Klipsch Forte IV’s sound quality. 
If I compare these $30,000 class B tekton’s, to some of the class A speakers, there are some class A speakers for 1/2 the price (Dutch & Dutch 8C, Goldenear triton reference), or other class A speakers that are cheaper (Magico A5, Kef blade 2).




Showing 1 response by arnold_h

The thing is it’s fine to spend 50k or more on speakers IF it is in your budget, not everyone can afford that. So people tend to look for best bang for buck. It’s not necessarily that someone is looking for a $5-$10k speaker that would blow away $100k speakers BUT if it comes anywhere  close to the performance, they are happy with that.  I have absolutely no experience with Tekton but with all the talk I have heard would be very interested to audition them although in my area of Canada the only way would be to just outright buy them. As far as the looks go I can’t say I am a fan of the Tektons either but if they offered great sound for the money I would overlook that. Another speaker that kind of reminds me of this was the old Dunlavy speaker line. Never heard them either but kind of reminded me of what someone would have built in their basement but they got rave reviews.