Starting Over

After careful consideration, I decided to start over in regards to building an office based system. The only thing I have are the Monitor Audio BX2 speakers. Room is around 14x16. The setup will include a DAC but I am not sure if I should go with an integrated amp, power amp, 2 channel receiver or another combination of items. My budget for the Amp the various options is around $1500. I plan on either going with the EE Minimax, PS Audio or Buron to name a few DAC's. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. I am so overwhelmed with all the products out there with not many to actually listen to I want to be satisfied with my purchase. Thank you!

Showing 1 response by meiwan

I'd stick with an integrated amp at your budget. A used Creek Destiny, Exposure 3010s2, Pathos Classic One mkIII are but a few good choices.

I own the EE minimax and highly recommend it.