Speed bumps as a cause of hearing loss.

Have any members driven over a "speed bump" (these are the elevated paved bumps to force you to drive slower)while listening to the car stereo and immediately noticed a hearing loss(distortion, high frequency loss and level decrease)? I am a chiropractor and can verify the fact that speed bumps will absolutely mis-align the tiny bones in the ear so music sounds terrible afterwards, write your city councilman about these. I have to slow to less than 5mph in order to prevent this governmental assault and battery.

Showing 3 responses by cwlondon

This is absolutely right!!

And although there is no known cure once you have driven over a speed bump and subsequently misaligned your inner ear bones, this debilitating condition is treatable through chiropractic therapy.

Of course, only premium priced chiropracters who generally are unable to accept insurance are qualified for this specialized subset of their field.

But 3 x a week for a couple of years or so should restore your hearing to within 97% of its original effectiveness.

In case my previous post wasnt clear, I was being deeply cynical and totally sarcastic.


I have seen one of two chiropracters with some success in terms of relief. I also thought that although they may have been crack(no pun intended) pots, there were well intentioned in their own alternative way.

Others were clearly pressuring me to come back as often as possible and spend as much money as possible perhaps because they werent very good and really needed the business.

But in any case, I think some of these alignment issues have been taken a bit too far by the chiropractic community and my guess is that the MDs on the board will not respond, as the scientists on the board will not respond to UFO sightings.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you may be able to release tension in someones neck or back, while treating them with sympathy and compassion which perhaps helps them even more.

But adjusting the misalignment of miniature ear bones? Give me a break!

That type of pseduo science should be reserved for debates on speaker cables.

Further to the cat test, the PETA activists are especially aggressive in the UK.

This explains why English cars are poorly built and exhibit a less than Mercedes like, air tight clunk when the doors are closed.

This enables the cats to survive the test, and for the manufacturer to carry on building, despite the presence of the activists.