Sonic Frontiers, what is going on??

Does any one know why SFI equipment is sellinh new for less than 50% of its retail prices? I wanted to buy Power 3 but I am worried. Normally when that happens is either the company is going out of Bus or there is newer modle coming up. Any insight?

Showing 1 response by puddles

I've purchased an Anthem Amp1 and Pre1L this year, both are made by Sonic Frontiers. I just love them. The Amp1 came with a silver faceplate, and I wanted a black faceplate. I contacted SF a few months back about getting a black faceplate. I was told I had to wait until they did a new run in June. I called back in June, and and finally ordered the new faceplate. Customer service was very helpful, and as far as I can see SF is going strong.