Skywire's cables... experiences? Scarcity thereof?

I'm disclosing I just reviewed Skywire's budgetarily constrained SE cables for stereotimes (does that violate any posting laws of the universe!?). Had their 1200 cables on loan for...longer than I should. It was Marty De Wulf's review of their 1400 series cables along with a sixmoons review from a while ago that piqued my curiosity. I asked Jimmy over at Skywire if, before i sent back the 1200's and SE's, i could compare and contrast them with their big brothers-- the 1400 and even the big dawg 2020's. He agreed. Good god these things are amazing! Quiet, detailed, and sooooo lively! No- Skywire ISN'T paying me to say that. (But they should be :)
Don't hear much about this line- has any smurf heard them? Thoughts? Conjectures?

Showing 1 response by char1

Purchased a pair of the 1400 interconnects to compare against my DH labs Silver Sonic Revelations and initially I really wasn't that impressed with the Skywire interconnects. HOWEVER after a couple of days in the system I realized that the Skywires were the best I have ever heard. I really like them. They are clear, three dimensional and colorless. I plan on purchasing another pair in a couple of weeks. I highly recommend that you audition a pair before you try any of the higher priced interconnects. BTW they really allow me to hear into the soundstage at relatively lower volumes. And I like that!