Silent Running Audio vs Harmonic Resolution System

Which of the two is better based on you own experience?

Showing 10 responses by thesaint519

What are you guys talking about? Are these the best answers you two can
come up with? :) I take it that you are speaking empirically, right?
Hi Whart,

Thanks for the insight. Yes, I am thinking about a rack for my gear and digital front end, but not the Lamm monos. The Lamm Preamp, the Sooloos Ensemble, the Meitner MA-1, and a cable box. How do you like your HRS platform under ur turntable? I owned a four shelf Grand Prix Monaco rack too. I sold it to finance dome upgrades. Two of reasons I sold it were, 1. I learned that the sorbothane pads lost their effectiveness to mitigate vibration over time (which, in turn, meant I had to unload the rack to change out the pads periodically) and, 2. that post in the rear was making life difficult for cable management. I'd really like a rack that I could use from this point forward without having to maintenance it. And when you're spending all this money, why should you have to?

What makes you say Symposium is better than both? Do you have some inside info? Do share.

When I had my GPA rack, I couldn't imagine having to unload it to change the pads. The pads in the rear of the rack would've been impossible to change without unloading the rack, because of how it was situated in the corner. The more I read about SRA, the more I'm inclined to buy their rack. It'd become a fixture in my system just like the Lamm Gear. I'd still add some Ohio Class IsoBases to further reduce vibrations.

Glad you're experiencing sonic nirvana. After reviewing the Symposium
website, I found no empirical data that would lead me to believe that their
rack performs better than HRS or SRA. Cost aside, there seems to be no
greater performance benefit. I'm confident that SRA will provide me with
one of the world's best performing racks. Nevertheless, TEHO (to each his
own). Enjoy.
I must say, I've done quite a bit of research. Aside from all the research,
they were a plethora of emails exchanged. Just based purely on the
designer's experience in the related feels alongside his willingness to
answer a Marriott of questions, SRA stands head and shoulders above
everything else I've investigated. I like the one rack fix, because even with
the rack, you can always add additional IsoBases at one's own discretion.
With the Craz 2 rack and the IsoBases all being future proof, i'll never have
to worry about them becoming obsolete or old technology. Sounds like a
sound investment (pun intended). But TEHO (To Each His Own), right?
Hi Larryi & Whart,

Thank you for the info. I appreciate your insight. It is invaluable.
Just as an update, I decided to go with an all SRA solution.  Couldn't be happier.  :)