Short speaker cable recommendation

Wondering if any one knows of a great speaker cable for really short application. Will be running from balanced Quicksilver V4 monoblocks bi-wired into Vandersteen 5A's. Could be as short as 12 inches. More likely 18".

I have been using Audioquest in the past. Their shortest length for any model appears to be 4 feet.

Any manufacturers offering wires this short? If I need to build them myself, any suggestions? Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by oldcar63

Just wanted to thank Grannyring for the recommendation on the WE 16 guage wire. I had purchased enough to make 8 ft quad star biwire pair. I only have around 30 hrs on them and I am flat out amazed of the improvements in all area's . I had to juggle some interconnects and tubes to get the proper balance which was easy to do. The sound my system is now producing is absolutely terrific it mirrors all the praise of everyone on this thread. I have not ordered the belden I/C yet because I have a hard time believing it can improve on what I am hearing now . Maybe with 100 or so hrs I might try the belden to experiment, I just wanted to give you props for the information you put out.
Mikirob and Grannyring I put a order for the belden. I was told it could take 7 to 10 days to receive them . I am looking forward to trying them. I will post my thoughts when they are run in . Also I laughed when you informed about the Cable company prices on the WE-16 guage wire. Thanks again