SACD Source recording

Some recently acquired SACD are sounding better...maybe they are learning how to make them.

I can recommend DG 474 639-2 Bach Violin Concertos, Hilary Hahn. As I listened to it, and appreciated the excellent sonics, I perused the liner notes, and there in black and white is something that I had heard mentioned before. The source recording for this DSD disc is identified as 24-bit PCM. Of course this is just like a DVD-A, except that with the DVD-A one extra conversion to DSD is avoided. I bet that most SACD have been mastered on 24-bit PCM equipment, but not every disc manufacturer is up front about it.

I have no complaints about the sound, but I think that Sony and the SACD crowd should tone down the hype about DSD, and recognize DVD-A as equal.

Showing 1 response by quadophile

I have gone through the entire catlog of SACD's available at this time but over 95% are reissues which means remastering but not recorded through DSD.

I am now wondering how many times I must buy the Tapestry album or the Beatles albums. Some of the albums I have in two or three formats. If it was just one format I would have more music at my disposal.

Alas, we do not make that decision! The way new formats are added, I wonder how many my kids would have to deal with.