Rogue m-120 monoblocs any opinions ?

I'm looking to buy these monoblocs i'm interested in any advise out there ,i have a Sonic Frontiers power 1 presently, are these monoblocs as good as they are cracked up to be ?

Showing 1 response by esoler

Hi Jejell,

I Totally Agree with Tfta above.....nothing near the price comes close!! The only thing you should be aware of, is that you will need a pre-amp with a highish output impedance (i.e. a tube unit). I tried these with a Melos SHA-1; and while these do have tubes in them, they have a very low 5 ohm output impedance. The combination did not work so well. I swithed to a Rogue pre-amp (both which offer excellent sonics and value) and then there was magic.

Happy listening!