Refrigerator noise

Seriously guys, how do you deal with it? My fridge is in the vicinity of my living room with all my equipment. It's pretty old machine, and the compressor is making noise almost half the time it's on ( seems to me pretty unusual, when I go to see my friends I never hear anything). I even set the level lower, but to no avail. Anybody with a similar problem? How can you check noise of a new fridge in a fairly loud environment of big store? Any recommendation (brand names)? No ice boxes please... :-)

Showing 1 response by tobias

I'm astonished to read in G_m_c's post that an Isoclean "filter box" makes his fridge quieter--and a bit surprised too that he even tried it--but hey, I love it. I would get one for my fridge immediately but A) I'm not sure which model to go for, B) my own very pricey 6-outlet Isoclean power bar isn't actually a "filter", although it does an amazing job. If I have to go up the line I'll wind up paying more than the fridge cost. :(

How about an isolation transformer for the fridge? That would be more appropriate pricewise. Anyone tried one of those?