Question About Low Frequency Sounds

I came across the following info on the internet and I can't figure out whether it makes any sense or not.

Sound frequencies below 20Hz (even up to 30Hz) can directly affect states of consciousness. For those of you who don't know, our brains vibrate at different frequencies depending on the level of awareness (consciousness) we are in. Consciousness lies on a continuum. The scale is as follows:

.5-3Hz - Delta. This is the sleep state.
4-7Hz - Theta. The meditative/hypnotic state.
8-12Hz - Alpha. The "relaxed alert" state.
13-20Hz - Beta. Normal wakeful consciousness.
20-32Hz - High beta. Manic states.

Does anybody know anything about this? If true, it's implications on music reproduction could be profound.

Showing 1 response by eldartford

Aircraft designers have learned that any tendancy for the plane to oscillate (say in pitch attitude) at 1 to 2 Hz should be avoided. Humans (and that includes pilots) can't cope with that frequency, and when they try to do so they induce worse oscillations. Slower, they can follow, and faster they can average.
Flashing lights and sound at certain frequencies can also be distracting.