Qobuz Issue

I've purchased a "Sublime" account, which Qobuz accepted my Credit Card for. I go to download discounted music and Qobuz won't accept that same card. Turns out, they won't accept any card for downloading. I attempted to buy music with my debit card, no good. I've contacted my card company twice and they assure me theres no block on my Credit card. Sebastien and I are swapping emails and that's slow. Sebastien tells me they have opened investigation that can take up to 10 days. Anyone have suggestions or a remedy?


update:  an unexpected reply from Sebastian.  I got an email list email about music on Qobuz.  I replied as below and Sebastian replied as below, top.  I replied to him outline the things I have tried, I wonder what he'll say.

Hi John, 

Thanks for your email.  I'm sorry to hear you are having this trouble with our service. Thanks for letting me know. Do you mind telling me if you have submitted a support request for this issue? If you have the support ticket number so I can look it up? If you haven't submitted a ticket yet, here's a link to get you started. https://www.qobuz.com/us-en/help/contact




On Nov 26, 2021, 12:43 PM -0500, John F. Hess <[email protected]>, wrote:

Hi Sebatian,

Funny that I’m subscribed to a Qobuz mailing list when I’m having a problem paying for the “free” trial. 2 different credit cards tried with 2 different browsers have not worked. Card declined. My account is in the US and the email address is US, and the IP from Comcast must be US also. Being Thanksgiving over here with Black Friday internet stuff, I have not called my credit card company to inquire. The Qobuz help has not offered any more concrete suggestions.

I was thinking that maybe a charge for $0.00 was suspicious and thus declined. So last night, I tried to use a credit card to purchase and album, that also failed.



John, I initially joined Qobuz for discounted high res downloads only, and at this time I’m gaining nothing from Qobuz. I was told by Sebastien that PayPal was working, but I have no PP account.


Since discovering the issue I’ve tried, different card, new Fire Fox profile, emptying Qobuz cart, then filling it back up and buying downloads outside Sublime, regular price. Nothing worked. I suggested canceling and rejoining but Sebastien never answered the question of "should I"? With "no refunds" I didn’t want to be charged $180 twice.


My Qobuz desktop app indicates "Sublime", but that doesn’t help. Tomorrow is the last day of waiting for "investigating" we’ll see what comes of it. My Qobuz "favorites" list is growing and growing.

Interesting, I'm having the same issue of not being able to use a credit card.  Different cards, different devices, subscription or purchase, nothing work.

I figured I would look at the PayPal interface, though I haven't used that account in ~10 years.  Imagine my surprise when the transaction auto completed without my consent, despite the explicit statement below the "continue" button that I would be able to review the transaction before processing payment.   In nearly 20 years of online transactions I have never seen any vendor skip terms and conditions, or a complete transaction step.   Astounding.  Put in a dispute immediately.


Are credit companies putting a block on Qobuz?  I called my bank and there is no transaction history at all.  


Needless to say, not a great introduction to the service.

Nothing good to share here, either. About interactions with Qobuz. Still no resolve. Sebastien mailed and said that he thought I could use PayPal. I do understand how things might get confusing being English is not his first language. khloebo, history of Qobuz taking $180 is there.

(New here… hope this is helpful)

I did a lot of research before subscribing to Qobuz after Apple swallowed PrimePhonic. The way in which everything else - except purchasing - works on Qobuz seems exemplary.

But I was pretty upset when I tried to make my first ('Sublime' discounted… $29.99 to $19.99) high-res download.

The 'progress' from (in my case macOS) app to website is counter-intuitive. But (I assume) that's how it's implemented? The app can't be used for purchases, can it?

I've sometimes been getting 'Finalise your purchase'; sometimes not. Sometimes it shows one purchased item in my cart - but it also says 'nothing found' on the same page; sometimes not. Nor does that very consistently lead to any obvious place/page where I can actually complete the purchase.

Qobuz's own FAQ on the procedure doesn't match the actual (names of the) tabs.

Those few times when I have managed to get past 'Finalise', there's no indication of where to go next actually to complete the purchase. Then I noticed 'Retrieve my purchases' but this just loops back to the main page.

I invariably get a message that I should check with my bank because the transaction was declined. Each time I do so, the bank has no record of such a failure and tells me to check with the merchant.

I've tried about 30 times - admittedly with the same album, but on both Safari and Firefox and after reboots etc.

And after making sure that I have all VPNs, content- and ad-blockers etc disabled. And popups enabled. As well as trying to get my Qobuz account name etc strings as close to those on the several credit cards as possible (including the one I subscribed in the first place with - which went through perfectly a week or so ago).

I heard back from Sébastien this morning (does anyone know, please: does he work US or French hours; is he the only tech?) asking for details of my credit card to take it up with their third party fulfillment agency.

I confess to being a little thrown by all of this. Is it normal, new? is it likely to be fixed? Should I be worried?