PS Audio "Gain Cell" Amps & Preamps?

Has anyone out there heard or bought PS Audio's new digital "Gain Cell" power amps, integrated amps, and preamp yet?
If so, how do they sound & compare to other products on the market?
I hear they are based on the ICE modules.
Thanks for your time.

Showing 1 response by leasingguy

I’ve have had the PS Audio two channel pre amp (GCP-200) in my system for about 3 months and it's wonderful. I’m a preamp junkie and own three other preamps as well. It's currently playing in my reference system while the Plinius, BAT and the CJ (SS) are in the closet. It’s dead quiet. It does a great job at the extremes but its something about the midrange that is just does so right. This is the least expensive preamp I currently own and it’s the top contender in my system. That’s saying a lot since I’m in the business and can pretty much get my hands on whatever I want. Two thumbs up for the "Gain Cell" based GCP-200


ps, I dont sell PS audio products