Project Debut Carbon EVO vs. Technics SL-1500C vs Technics SL-1210GR


I'm not wealthy, but I would like to get  back into vinyl .  Is there a major difference difference between these models? 

Thanks for all your help!



Technics current offerings are all wonderful at their respective price points.  The economy of scale and R&D that firm has dwarfs many other manufacturers. No disrespect intended to other makes (many are great too). But if I were you, I'd go Technics.  The build quality is really something, parts are always available, reliability is nearly unparalleled, and sound quality is super. 

@jbhiller I agree on how the Technics looks but Rega tables are very reliable and simpler to repair in case of need. The Technics tonearm is not bad but the Rega is much better imho

@katylied , that may be true. I loved Rega tables. I don't own one anymore because I thought they sounded dry--but that's just me.  The OP cannot go wrong with the suggestions here.

Rega tables are very easy to set up.  Plenty of parts. Arms are ubiquitous in the marketplace. 

As all have noted, these are all decent choices.  I started with the ProJect EVO but then got the itch to try out cartridges and the EVO was a pain to swap carts.  I traded in the EVO and upgraded to the 1500 and then got a 1200. Very happy with both Technics TT.  Solid build and I can move between MM and MC carts easily.