phono preamp

Hi, I'm thinking about getting into analog until the cd format becomes more clear. I own Dahlquist speakers (20I's) and Legend Audio triode amps. I don't have a pre-amp and I'm not sure I will get one. I would like to know if there are any phono pre-amps with a volume control for under $1000 that sound good? I know there is the EAR, but know of no other. How does the EAR sound? Also, can I use a regular interconnect from amps to the phono stage and to the turntable, or is there a special cable that I use to the turntable? I'm thinking about a Rega 3 or 25 turntable, since I know nothing about turntables and I heard they are easy to set up. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks

Showing 1 response by marakanetz

...that's the one you need! It's minimalistically designed with plenty of gain and you'll need no preamp. Depending on the turntable you will use you should mate the cartridge between EAR and TT.