PayPal versus C2it

Has anyone tried the Citibank C2it service? It seems like c2it have it all over Pay Pal.

- accourding to the site, there are no fees unless you request a check - $3.00
- It's a real bank, i.e. FDIC insured
- using credits cards, funds are available fast.

Seems like this should become a standard AGon form of payment.

Is anyone using it?

Showing 2 responses by aroc

I might check out the C2it service. I've stopped using paypal on eveything except computer purchases on Agora forum at Too many sellers expect the buyer to cover the 2.9% paypal fee for CC. Technically an ethical buyer shouldn't do that (like stores don't pass on the "surcharge" of using credit card, directly (although, some is indirectly reflected in the price). In that case, we shouldn't use paypal and instead find an alternative. The C2it is indeed interesting.

On anything over $1k (usually with most audio) I can just get a money order from my bank (near my office) and FedEx it over night (~$20USD) for the same as a paypal fee. And I probably still come out ahead in terms of protection.
I dunno, I was just speculating. I thought I remember reading that you can stop payment on a money order (or was it a cashiers check?), even _after_ the other party tries to cash it. I never verified such a claim, nor do I remember where I might have gleamed that info from. I hindsight, I probably shouldn't have posted unverified, wild speculation.

And with FedEx, you don't get any real protection, but the other party has to _at least_ sign for the package. Not really any protection, really, but at least it's more that you get when you "email" a paypal transfer. (close to nothing VS. nothing) I guess that is what I meant to say. And with your above example of the USPS, you'd still be better off than with FedEx, since you are correct to point out the mail fraud charges. But still no REAL protection.

In fact I doubt there is a "safe" way to exchange money for goods, in this way and age. Dealing with the internet kind of reminds me of the Wild West, except we don't have guns. Err, maybe "mobsters" and drug dealers have it right? A bad alley exchange in the middle of the night with hired muscle armed to the teeth.