Oppo Vs Esoteric

I would like to acknowledge the fact that I have heard the Esoteric players at AXPONA and coupe of other places. But my question is how much better is a Esoteric K-07X or K-05X compared to the Oppo UDP-205? I know that the Oppo UDP-205 is a killer machine for $1300. But it is a Jack Of All Trades, while the Esoteric is (soft of) Master Of One. So in that sense, can anyone let me know if it is really worth spending $$$$$ on the Esoteric (or a Marantz SA-10 or Luxman) compared to the Oppo?
Please share your experiences if you have compared the Oppo UDP-205 to any high end CD/SACD player.

Showing 3 responses by shadorne


With all due respect what speakers are you getting? I think Esoteric is waisted on anything other than SOTA top of the line speakers (between 5 and 10 times the cost of the source).

I am trying to tackle your "is it worth it?" question....and I am suggesting the answer is that it really depends on the quality of your speakers (the highest distorting and lowest fidelity part of any digital setup).
Good choice of speaker. I don’t think the latest ESS chips sound digital harsh - I think it is more analog sounding than previous generations but with a remarkable clarity. I don’t know about the Oppo implementation but based on their track record I think you picked a very practical, flexible and solid winner rather than an obsolete but superb expensive boat anchor.
I dont care for Marantz sound at all but I understand why some people may prefer it.