New to Streaming RPI4 and Hifiberry DAC + DSP

So I finally got this thing working. Using Volumio I could not get the RPI screen to work, but disconnecting no issues. Currently listening to Volumio radio until I choose a source- Amazon HD, Qobuz, Tidal or ? I haven't seen Pandora as a choice in the app and not sure they have lossless. I know everyone has an opinion, but curious if anyone with a similar set-up has any advice?

If you are curious, rest of system #1) Vandersteen 2CE,  vintage Mitsubishi DC7 amp, Mitsubishi DA-7 Pre. Most likely streaming to this one. System #2 is Thiel CS5's, EAD CD and DAC, LSA Signature integrated amp, various decent cables.

Showing 2 responses by mlsstl

I use Qobuz and have been very happy with their service, music collection and sound quality. I also use a RPi 3+ with a HiFiBerry Digi out for streaming both Qobuz and my own collection. I use the LMS server program for music management.
My personal music collection (~60,000 tracks) is stored on a desktop PC running Fedora Core 31 OS (Linux) and the LMS 8.0 (Logitech Media Server) program. In turn, that feeds 2 RPi /HiFi Berry players, one Squeezebox Touch and a Squeezebox Radio. I use use a Kindle Fire table with the Squeeze Commander program for selecting music and controlling the players, though also use the web browser interface, too.

I tried Roon (30 day free trial). While it had some features I liked, there were some negatives for me that didn't justify it for me, especially when one has to pay an annual fee. (I found no difference in sound quality between LMS and Roon.)