New Rega Planer 8 (P8) Turntable - Apheta 2 Cartridge Combo - Thoughts

Any Thought's on the "New" Rega Planer 8 (P8) Turntable - Apheta 2 Cartridge Combo

Any Rega owners / dealers / folks familiar with the table and/or brand have any thoughts / advise about this table / brand / combo? 

I am trying vinyl again... Tried it before without much luck. Table / cart / phono set up was too finicky for me and I wasn't able to get decent sound. I sold it all and am now giving it another try.

I also chose a Sutherland Duo phonostage to match with it.

Would love thoughts, advise, ideas or feedback. I have never owned a Rega product before. Going to set it up tonight but still waiting for my phonostage to be mailed to me. Would love some feedback. 


System info

Rega P8 Turntable / Apheta 2 Cart
Sutherland Duo Phonostage
Simaudio Moon Evolution P-8 Linestage
Pass Labs X250.8 Amp
Magico S5 Speakers (MK II's on order)

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
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I just wrote a really nice response to your post and when I submitted it froze and didn't go through. So very annoying.

Yes I hope it sounds ok but if not I don't care I will just dump it and get something else. I have owned so many different amps and preamps and speakers and cables its all good. I try if I don't like them I just get something else.

I think I need to get a record cleaner next .Anyone you guys recommend?

Wally has a new Okkie Nokki RCM with clear cover he will sell me for $470 shipped. Are these any good? Should I get this one?

@fsmithjack Frank,
Read the article I posted earlier in the thread. There is your recommendation for record cleaning machine, the chemicals to use with it and links as to where to get them. Yes, you can get the whole deal like I did for about $500. This will far outperform the Nitty Gritty, Okki Nokki, the VPI 16.5(I used to own one and used it for years before discovering ultrasonic cleaning). This approach will get you 95% of the performance of the Kirmuss, the Audio Desk or the other four-figure machines. You save because you have to put a bit more effort into the cleaning cooking a meal from scratch vs. popping restaurant takeout into the microwave and pushing a button. Cheers,
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