New monoblocs for Maxx II, which ones

The purchase of Wilson audio's Maxx II has me thinking about getting some new monoblocks. I already own ML 33s and ML 33h will sell the later. The ASR will stay as well.
I want to try some new designs and am having a tuff time deciding upon which one. The reason is strictly for change, eat the same food everyday you get my drift.
The list of amps are:
Ayre, Linn, Pass, Lamm.......
and also some tubed units:
Lamm, Air Tight, Audio Research, VTL, Covergent Audio...
Has anybody heard these paired together in a system, if so what impressions do you have.

Thanks for reading.

Showing 2 responses by dgad

A friend of mine is using the big MBL amps and loves them. He can get almost anything and has tried a lot. I use the VTL MB750s. I agree that they have a similar sound to solid state amps he listed. I know someone who used the ASR as well and loved it. In that regard, large tube amps without excess bloom are not a bad choice. They sound accurate, realistic and powerful. Not the fastest out there. I would love to try the MBLs one day. I think the new Halcros are excellent as well. I have heard them sound amazing and also not. Setup and cables are critical.