Need opinion with new cd player purchase

Hi I have a older(15yrs old) Roksan Caspian cdp which has become problematic. I'm looking at buying a new player which could be another Caspian but locally there is Cambridge and Naim that I could try to name a couple. In house trials with the dealer for some reason can be hard to arrange. So my question is which one of these two or any other player would have similar warmth, presentation that the Caspian has? I would have to buy on line to get a new Roksan and I'm thinking of spending 3k.any opinions would be greatly appreciated !

Thx Randy

Showing 2 responses by akg_ca

If you like the ROKSAN signature sound (15 years is a long time), a new model ROKSAN spinner would be the first one on my short-list.

They have traditionally been a quality UK quality brand that flies under many radars.

What 5 star review

Caspian M2 CD review

Best CD player £1500+, Awards 2014. In our opinion the finest CD player available at anywhere near this price Tested at £1650

Our Verdict


Combines refinement, bite and rhythmic ability better than anything else we’ve heard at this price level
sonic composure
excellent build


Some may not like the revised looks

Alternate choice step up to the next level ....


The phrase is game changer. This not a CD player as we know it, with the possible exception of the £6,000 Rega Isis nothing I have heard in digital audio delivers resolution and musicality in such convincing and entertaining fashion as the Saturn-R.

Ever since streaming came along I have pretty much given up on CD, most players are either dull or painful, it seemed to be nigh on impossible to get the resolution of file streaming nor the musicality of vinyl out of the format. CD players with vitality usually have a forwardness that makes them uncomfortable long term or at level. The Saturn-R, a £1,598 player, is extraordinarily revealing and, more important, has the best timing in the business. What’s its secret? After all the Apollo-R has the same mechanism – a device made for portable use with a decent amount of RAM so that it carries on playing if it’s jogged. The DAC is different, it’s a Wolfson and they’re pretty good, yet I’ve heard plenty of no better than OK players with them onboard. Designer Terry Bateman says its essentially down to power supply and house keeping, there is more space in the box and more budget so things are done to a higher standard. And the Apollo-R is a damn entertaining player, it is in the same ballpark when it comes to grin factor, so it would seem that Rega has managed to refine that and reveal more of what it gets off the disc.

I have the REGA ISIS Valve CDP and the Saturn R has some of its trickle down high-end technology to go with a superior build quality .