Modded Players Bias in Listening

I read so many posts from people who love their newly modded CD players, whatever make/mod.

Here's the question - anyone listen to two stock players side by side of the same make, ship one off for mod, and then listen to the two again? I'm not speaking in absolutes, but to some degree when you lose a piece of gear for several weeks AND fork over 500-2000 bucks for the mod, I would think it possible for some bias to creep into the regular human's evaluation. But I am interested in hearing anyone's tales of A/B as mentioned above.

Showing 1 response by coffee_nudge

Your question was specific to CDPs, but I did have an opportunity to compare a Counterpoint SA220 amp, modified to a Premium NP220 by Mike Elliott, to the stock SA220. I owned both at the same time, and was able to A/B compare the two. The modded amp was a significant and noticeable improvement over the stock amp in all aspects.

But, that being said, I tend to agree that there may be a lot of "rationalization" when one pays big bucks for a mod.