Mobile audio MP3/iPod/RioRiot, etc.

OK, maybe this is retreading ground (I couldn't find any relevant threads), maybe its not apropos for a high end forum, etc. etc. BUT, the convenience factor of some of the new hard disk based MP3 players is pretty hard to beat. 500 CDs in a small box that has 10-12 hrs of battery life that I can carry on an airplane? That gets my attention.

Here's the questions. All the stuff I see about these never discusses the audio quality of these puppies. Anyone care to comment on who has better audio quality? Anyone use these things? Any way of getting better audio quality out of them?

Showing 1 response by purecopper

CD's contain roughly 650MB of data so a 20GB disk will hold about 30 CD's uncompressed. MP3 compression at 128 kbs will allow you to put more than 4000 of your favorite songs on the ipod which is really nice. I have a 5GB version with 1250 songs on it. My Etymotics sound just fine without additional amplification and the battery life has actually been around 12 hours as advertised by Apple. If you go to CompUSA or the Apple store in NY with your headphones you can check it out for yourself. This is a life altering device if you want to listen to music outside of your house and can work a computer.