Miyajima Shilabe with Shindo preamp ?

I recently purchased a Shilabe, and want to get it up and playing soon. I have already spoken with the importer, and have received a few ideas from others. First priority is to play it with my Shindo preamp, and see how well it does. I have two TT setups, a WT Amadeus, and Basis 2500/Vector 3 arm. It was suggested that the latter would be the logical choice to simply try the cartridge. I may start another thread for other tonearm suggestions, but would still appreciate any opinions . The Thomas Schick, SME M2-12R, and Ortofon RS-309D are all considerations. Would like to keep tonearms in the $1800-$2500 range.

Showing 2 responses by restock

I'm a freak for analog cellos, violins, sopranos and mezzos.

Best cello I heard from any cartridge is using an Allaerts cartridge. The MC1B already has an amazing presence, richness, and scale when playing cello. I run mine with the A23 step-up into a Shindo Monbrison.

As for the Shilabe, I would consider a Schroeder as well, even it takes some finetuning skills.
The cello recording was Starker playing the Bach Sonatas (the Mercury living presence reissue).