Mix & Match Interconnects

For ease of system synergy, how many of you use the same interconnect between your source and pre amp as you use between your pre amp and power amp?


How many of you seek out the best performer for the position in your system?

Showing 2 responses by s23chang

I do not use same cable from source to preamp and preamp to amp. The source cable should be as clean as possible and as neutral, open, excellent top to bottom frequency response as possible. The amp cable can vary based on your matching since taste and system matching are different. It should sound similar to the source except fuller sound. IMHO, the amp cable should have bigger band width.
John, the source cable I'm refering to should be suitable for all systems. I've tested this same cable in at least 2 dozen systems and received the same result. It is the best way to figure out if your system is lean or thick without scratching your head and trying different combo. It's a good reference point for your system. This will save you time. However, it is possible to have same cable throughout the system. There is nothing wrong by hitting that combination in one shot as long as your ears are pleased with the result. A friend of my insist that he prefer using same cable in his system even though the others prefer a different combo. As Jayctoy said, you're the one who's spending the money so your ears should be worth something.