Metrum octave vs new Rega DAC vs Eastern electric

I currently have an EE minimax (non-plus version), but have become increasingly interested in the Metrum and Rega DACs recently as a potential replacement. What are people's opinions on this? Would either of these DACs truly be an upgrade? I listen to all redbook, so oversampling isn't an issue, and I listen to mostly Rock (which I guess means I prefer a meaty/rich sound character).

Showing 1 response by jcote

i just read that Paul Hynes is now offering a shunt regulator mod which supposedly ramps up the Metrum performance significantly. He literally just posted about it yesterday so he's probably the only to have heard it at this point but his designs are well tested and have been received by the market favorably so I'd bet it does as he says. The metrum is very sensitive to power and jitter...clean them both up and you can't beat it.