McIntosh MC7200 - fuse question

Any comments on if the sound / character of my Mac would change by replacing the fuse with a ceramic or audiophile grade fuse.

"Wrapped it in aluminum foil"

I don't know what you intended to accomplish, but it sounds like by wrappiong the fuse in aluminum foil you may have disabled the purpose of a fuse. I assume this was a temporary thing, just to see how it would sound to bypass the fuse, but in case not, if you have a need for the fuse it won't work and you'll damage the amp at a minimum, could damage the speakers, and worst case scenerio you could cause a fire and burn down the house!

Amp already had a ceramic fuse.

Wrapped it in alum foil, and found no difference in sound.

Wondering if this is a good test whether the current fuse can be improved by an "audiophile grade" variety.
The fancy fuses are definitely worth the money as long as your speakers are good enough to reveal the difference. I use Isocleans myself.

Clarity!! You won't notice a huge change but it's a good tweak.

HiFi Tunning?