Magico Q5 vs Nola Babygrand ref. vs Egg. Savoy sig

Which one you like most? Need input/opinion.

Thanks a bunch.

Showing 1 response by suteetat

I really like Q5 but to hear it at its best, you need a lot of very high quality power. Probably 300-400 watts minimum.
Nola is also pretty nice but I have not heard their bigger speakers so I can't really comment. Scaenas is interesting. It could be down right horrible if not set up properly. Properly setup it is definitely a strong candidate but it is not easy to integrate the tower and subwoofer, at least from hearing at my local dealer over the years.
Q5 does not have a huge amount of bass like many of its competitor unless you really throw a lot of wattage at it but it offers a lot quality bass rather quantity. I am living with Q3 for awhile now and it is hard going back to listen to ported speakers as far as bass is concerned.