Maggie 3.6 amplification concern

I realize there has been several threads about amps for 3.6's but most everyone insists that you need high power solid state. I am curious if anyone has tried less power? I am thinking of using 120 watt tubed mono's and others feel that you need 500 watts minimum to make them come to life. I would really prefer to stick with tubes, and I don't paricularlly care for some of the high wattage solid state amps that are out there. I just can't imagine that the BAT vk-60 mono's won't drive them well, I could be wrong though. Would it be better to get a slightly less quality amp with more power(i.e. bryston 14b-sst)? Any thoughts would be great, but please only if you have experience with more then just the amp you own. Thanks in advance for any help.

Showing 1 response by lazarus28

maggies really are just fantastic speakers, but it's true that they require ungodly amounts of power to produce their magic.

they'll play with less, but it would be doing them a disservice. they're terribly inefficient.

i would try out many high-powered ss amps, there's bound to be one that you really like.

you've got some wonderful speakers there, be sure you give 'em what they want and you'll be astounded. 3.6's are really, really great.