I started with a VPI Scout, and then upgraded to a VPI Scoutmaster. I find the sound of my CD collection to be superior. Vinyl advocates insist that I am missing the boat and claim vinyl delivers the sonic goods.
 I was advised that the acrylic platter that came with my Scoutmaster was the reason the sound was not up to par.
 The cost to upgrade the Scoutmasster with  a steel platter and bearing is $1000.00.  Not looking
 to spend any more money with VPI. Not knocking their products, just have spent much money with them with
 less than expected results. Assuming I wish to listen to my 180-200 gram vinyl recordings I am looking for
 alternatives. I wish to stay loyal to my audio dealer who is always there to help me. He sells Project, VPI and
 Thorens. I would sell my Scoutmaster which should net me about $1000.00, and I would put $1500.00 of my own
money toward a new turntable.  Any thoughts?  Thank you in advance.  Note: I am sure VPI makes a wonderful
product, but I have not perfsonally had a great audio experience. 

Showing 1 response by pingvin

No doubt lots of people will have lots of firmly-held opinions... but maybe we should start with what you found deficient, and what you’re looking for. Also, have you listened to other decks — have you heard a TT-based system that really does it for you, for us to have as a reference (no matter how expensive)?