Linn Ninkas aktiv vs. not?

Would like to hear a few comments on whether the aktiv option is really that much better. Could the money be spent better? They sound alright now with a single LK-85 and I imagine the bass goes deeper but what else? Can't do the a-b test where I am so I'd like to hear through others' ears. I keep hearing about crossover inefficiency and heat etc. but that was from the seller.... so..?

Showing 1 response by flightmight

Dear Stuart,
I have a couple LK-140's in AKTIV mode. All I can say is "GO AVTIV". The sound is detailed, clean, and smooth. I went from one to two amps...and then on to getting AKTIV. I too, was on the fence some about it until last spring. I got to meet a LINN engineer who worked on the KLOUT. I asked him if I should get a KLOUT or just go aktiv. He said go akitv and you will really be impressed. I did, and I am....Hope this helps you some. I would stick with their cables and interconnects also...I made the "rounds" and went back to them.