LAST - then and now?

Have been enjoying hauling records out of storage and listening to stuff I haven't heard in years. One thing I have noticed is that the records treated with LAST (probably a good 15 years or more ago) have held up really well.I know part of this is the cleaning on a Keith Monks machine they got before applying LAST - and possibly more importantly - I only went to the trouble with stuff I really liked.
At any rate - my question is this - has the base of the LAST product changed over the years? So many cleaning products were Freon based and are no longer made or made with different chemicals - does anyone know if LAST today is chemically identical to what it was 15 years ago?
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Showing 2 responses by mekong56

Audiofeil's arrogant and condescending tone is extremely well documented on this site. That is one thing that is not really debatable. Belittlement seems to be a primary motive in his responses.

Click on "Answers" at the bottom of any of his posts, and a brief amount of reading will present plenty of evidence supporting this beyond any shadow of a doubt.