KAB 1200 vs. everything else.

A few weeks back I asked Kevin of KAB USA what price level a fully modded 1200 competes with, and he thought somewhere in the 4500-5000 dollar price range. His reasoning was that the business concentrates on romantic reproduction rather than technical reproduction. It sounded plausible, but I am pretty new to analog playback. What do you think of this claim--Cheers
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I believe Kevin is being extremely optimistic ..

Me too!
I own a TW Acustic Raven One with Michell Tecnoarm and the SL1210 with some Kab Mods ..
The SL1210 sounds fantastic for the money it costs .. but please don't compare with a Raven One
I could see a fully modded Technics SL-12xx making it very difficult to see significant performance gains until you reach the $4,500 to $5,000 price range. Granted, this is just conjecture on my part, but I feel there is a big price / performance gap between the $1,000 and $3,500 price range. Until you're ready to drop some coin, you're better off focusing on set-up and low-dollar tweaks on an SL-12xx than investing in what I see as the analog "no man's land." Again, just my opinion.