joy killing refridgerator

How many of you actually have to turn the friggen thing off.Just bought brand one new hoping it would be quieter....wrong.Oh well just curious what others experiences are.

Showing 1 response by kt88audio

We purchased a new frige. 4 years ago. It was very quiet for a long time but I have noticed cantankerous noises and what seemed like a longer run time in the past 6 months. This thread reminded me it has been 2 years since I cleaned the business end of the family frige.

I finally yanked the plug, rolled the frige out from the wall and cleaned the condenser coils with a long bottle brush and vacuum. The coils are under the frige, access was from the front and rear. Lots of crawling and dust but well worth it. I gently cleaned the dirty condenser fan blade too- don't bent those blades! I'm now moving much more air across the condenser coils and the best part? That Maytag now runs half the time it did and no longer draws attention to itself. Give it a try and wear those ear plugs when using that vacuum. 2 channel for all...